Things I'm Reading Thursday

I'm a San Diego surfer - even took it twice for college credit, but it's wonderful to see the beaches I dreamed of surfing growing up being recognized!

I think I like Molly Ringwald even more after reading this Q&A with her over on Tomboy Style.

From the Travel Blogger Academy; 101 ways to build your site traffic.

7 hikes in Vancouver - I really need to make it up there more often!

This blows my mind - in this day in age how is this situation okay? Thank goodness for all of the wonderful organizations and individuals that have dedicated themselves to cleaning up this mess.

One of the reasons I'm so excited about our upcoming trip to Spain is that part of my family comes from the Basque region. So I've been researching links to our history in the area and look what I found; the family tower!

Have you ever traveled to where your family is from?

What was the experience like?

This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, California.