And I'm Off To Alt!
In 20 minutes, my plane leaves for Salt Lake City, Utah where I'll be attending Altitude Design Summit!
To be honest, I'm really not to sure what to expect. So I'm going with five simple goals;
- Learn.
- Meet awesome people.
- Make connections.
- Dream even bigger.
- Be my best self.
These goals will be written on the first page of my notebook, that way I can constantly remind myself of why I'm here.
I've struggled with my lack of time to prepare for Alt since I tend to be a DIY-er with a rather perfectionist streak. (If you're on twitter you've probably seen all the buzz about Alt fashion and business cards.) However since I was away from home for about 2 months and left a day after finding out I was going to be attending (thanks Bing & Alt for making that happen!) - I've had to let some things go. Specifically I've had the "should-a could-a would-a's" for making new business cards and for sewing a few shirts and dresses for the parties but I know I can't do everything.
If there's one thing all the travel craziness I've experienced this year has taught me; it's that sometimes you just have to let things go and enjoy the ride. I'm going with the knowledge that I'm happy with where I am but at the same time I'm dreaming about the possibilities the future has to offer.
Here are a few things I'm incredibly excited about;
- Hearing from Chris Anderson.
- Meeting Tan, Joy, Whitney, Kait, Sandra and many other wonderful folks in real life!
- Getting a chance to chat with Sunset Magazine and Wayfare Magazine.
- Meg's workshop on media kits.
- Dinner at Wild Grape Bistro with Dash & Albert.
If you aren't attending Alt Summit, but you're on Twitter, I'd highly recommend you follow the #altsummit tag - there are bound to be oodles of pearls of wisdom popping up over the course of the summit.