Listen: Podcasts for Creatives Who Live To Wander

Podcasts for the Creative Who Lives To Wander

This month and last month have been a bit travel dry for me - a number of northwest road trips, but no grand adventures. To keep my spirits up and to motivate me to continue to pursue my path as a creative who lives to wander, I've gotten back into listening to podcasts. I listen on my way to and from work and often on lunch breaks when I need to get my head back into the creative world which makes me so happy. 

There are four podcasts in particular which I've been spending my drive and lunch time with - so I thought I'd share their goodness with you.

Produced by a wonderful friend of mine, this is the show which got me back into listening to podcasts. In the Creating Your Own Path PodcastJennifer Snyder provides us with a fascinating look into the lives of fellow creatives who have done just as the title suggests - created their own paths. I find it particularly comforting to listen to for the friendly chats between Jen and her guests about the benefits and challenges of creating your own path.

I'll admit, I hadn't heard of The Daily Travel Podcast until it's creator, Nathaniel Boyle, reached out to me on Twitter while at WDS. Now that I've been combing through the archives of this podcast, I'm so glad to have connected with him. Nathaniel has hosted so many of the travel bloggers I respect the most and always produces an engaging and different conversation with each of them. Kudo's to him for producing such a fabulous travel podcast on a daily basis!

I've been a passive subscriber to Jess Lively's e-mail list for a year or two now - but it took an episode called "making blogging buddies & books" with Victoria Smith of SF Girl By Bay to hook me in. I'm a follower of hers, but that day I just needed to listen to a congenial conversation between two successful women. The Lively Show covers all sorts of topics from crystals to finance and I've loved each episode I've listened to - even when they're a bit outside my known sphere of interest.

While I'm not particularly interested in being a full time suitcase entrepreneur - the general principles and goals of those who do appeal to me and the life I'm working to create. Natalie Sisson recently reached her 100th episode of The Suitcase Entrepreneur and while I'm late to the party, I'm so glad to have joined. There's not only a focus on building location independent businesses but also on living a life of travel. In a recent favorite of mine, Natalie spoke with Greg Denning about the benefits and challenges of traveling with six kids!