Cooking, Baking, & All Things Food

Let's just start here; I love real food and cooking from scratch.

If I can reasonably make it at home, then that's how I want to do it. Since I've got a variety of food intolerances, this lifestyle suits me quite well.

I think my enjoyment of food and cooking comes from my mom and her mother. Growing up, I remember many delicious dishes made from scratch and grew up thinking that's just food was always prepared. It didn't occur to me until much later that many of these things could be purchased pre-made or pre-mixed. Many of my favorite foods and ingredients tie back to things I remember from childhood; meyer lemons, rhubarb, picadillo, etc.

I love to experiment - it's perhaps one of the things I love the most about being gluten free. I've found so many fun ingredients as a result of looking for alternatives. I recently joined the Gluten Free Ratio Rallyand have enjoyed this new challenge of baking by ratio.

I've shared a number of recipes over the past couple of years but the frequency of those posts has decreased in recent months. Part of the reason is due to living a busy life and adding a sweet little puppy to the mix. The other part is that I'm putting more time into testing my recipes before posting them. I want my recipes to be easy to follow and I want them to work. If you ever give one of my recipes a try and find it challenging to follow or it just doesn't work out - I absolutely want to hear about it.

What does the future hold? More well tested recipes. More recipes made with fresh from the garden ingredients.

Check out some of my all time favorites recipes so far; 

Coconut Shrimp with Apricot Sauce

Kale & Red Rice Salad

Meyer Lemon Bars with Gingersnap Crust

Sandwich Bread

Sheep Cheese & Hard Apple Cider Fondue

Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway to win some of my favorite travel snacks!