Posts tagged Baking
Bread & A Spread Fit for A Hike

Gluten & Dairy Free Hiking Bread

Thanks to Bob's Red Mill for supporting this post through providing me the flour to make this tasty recipe along with three other tasty recipes as part of a series of gluten free camping friendly recipes. 

On a typical camping trip, my husband and I don’t sit around and hang out at camp all day. We may have a leisurely breakfast – but you won’t catch us sticking around our campsite. Before long we’ll head off on our chosen adventure of the day, so we’ll take our lunch with us on the trail or the road.

For lunch we’re most often eating sandwiches made of homemade gluten free bread (which doesn’t require toasting for maximum taste) and a quick spread. Rather than packing this bread full of starch – I opted to tip the scale towards whole grain flours and seeds to provide a heartier nutritional punch to fuel our long hikes. Our choice of spreads varies between a nut/seed butter and jelly combination or a quick salmon and chive spread for which I’ve included the quick and simple recipe below.

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Rhubarb Tea Bread

Gluten Free Ratio Rally Rhubarb Tea Bread

It's been a couple of months, but now I'm back on the Gluten Free Ratio Rally wagon! This month Brooke from B & The Boy is hosting and we're baking up tea bread. From the research I did, I learned that tea bread is very similar to a quick bread but with fewer eggs and only slightly sweetened. It's also best served on the same day it's baked, of course, with some tea. My favorite pairing with this particular bread? Darjeeling. For my ratio, I ended up with 6 parts flour, 5 parts milk, 1 part egg, 1 part sugar, and 1 part butter (fat).

Since I've been going on a total rhubarb frenzy recently (which you've likely noticed if you follow me on instagram), I decided I had to make a rhubarb tea bread. My final version, the one in the above photo, was actually made with rhubarb stalks from our edible garden - so that feels pretty good. I pumped up the flavor with vanilla and my other all time favorite, meyer lemon zest.

Make sure to check out everyone else's recipes too! I've included links to their tasty tea breads at the bottom of the post.

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Gluten Free Stuffed Pizza Crust

Finding good pizza seems to be the ultimate quest for most of us living our lives gluten free. Sure there are some that are happy without the bread products that are so prominent in the gluten full world - but for most of us, pizza seems to be that most wanted unattainable treat (well, that and good croissant). My perfect pizza is a fluffy one with a hearty bready crust that you can bite into and chew.

All those cracker like crusts that are so prevalent in the freezer section of the grocery and in most every restaurant I've been to just don't do it for me. I've actually made a rule that unless I'm in desperate need of carbs (like so desperate I'm going to faint) - I don't ever order gluten free pizza at a restaurant. There are only two restaurants I've ever been to where the gluten free pizza crust was passable; Pala Pizza in New York City and Razzi's in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle.

My journey making my own gluten free crust at home started with Gluten Free Girl's recipe which also happens to be vegan. For a year or so, I followed her recipe and enjoyed some of the best pizza crust I'd had - but it still wasn't that fluffy crust I wanted. I played around with a few different flour combinations, added eggs, and then all of my changes came together when I started stuffing the crust with a bit of cheese. It made all the difference in the world - it seems to keep more moisture in the crust and it's just darn tasty.

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Chewy Blueberry Muffins

What do I do when I'm home alone, feeling low, with no clear idea of what I want for dinner?

I look for something to bake.

On this particular night, I came up with a number of ideas which were then thwarted by my realization that I was out of both butter and eggs. So that lead me to experiment with one of my favorite muffin recipes. Gluten Free Girl & The Chef's Whole Grain Muffin recipe is a fantastic template to experiment with, I've made everything from chocolate zucchini muffins to lemon poppy-seed. This time, I deviated a bit more and come up with something I think I'll make again and again. 

These muffins are vegan and frankly, I think they taste better than any other muffin I've ever made. They've got a chewy crust and they're soft and moist on the inside. Since we're trying to adjust our household's relationship with sugar, I used coconut palm sugar and halved the amount from the original recipe. The combination of the oats, teff, and sugar make a full yummy flavor that I just love.

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Garlic Egg Bagels

It's that time again! The Gluten Free Ratio Rally is back and this time we're making bagels! Morri of Meals with Morri is hosting this month - so be sure to check over there for a full list of the bagel creations. I've tried to include a list at the end of this post as well.

When I think bagels, two primary types come to mind; the fluffy Noah's Bagels and the denser sprouted multigrain variety that I grew to love before realizing they were actually terrible for me.

My trials with developing a ratio for gluten free bagels began with a recipe posted on Michael Ruhlman's site and created by Bruce Ezzell. I knew from the start that I wanted to make egg bagels - so adding egg yolks was the first adjustment I made. I gave this newly egg-tastic recipe a try with the regular multigrain flour mix  I use around the house and that turned out to be strike one. Multigrain just does not make the egg bagels I was going for. Next, I moved on to crafting a more mild flour blend that would let the eggs shine.

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Cooking, Baking, & All Things Food

Let's just start here; I love real food and cooking from scratch.

If I can reasonably make it at home, then that's how I want to do it. Since I've got a variety of food intolerances, this lifestyle suits me quite well.

I think my enjoyment of food and cooking comes from my mom and her mother. Growing up, I remember many delicious dishes made from scratch and grew up thinking that's just food was always prepared. It didn't occur to me until much later that many of these things could be purchased pre-made or pre-mixed. Many of my favorite foods and ingredients tie back to things I remember from childhood; meyer lemons, rhubarb, picadillo, etc.

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Chocolate Brownie Pie with Orange Zest

Mary Fran from Franny Cakes is hosting this month's rally for brownies, so check back there for a full listing of all the brownie posts - I've also tried to include a complete list at the bottom of this post.

I'll admit, I really struggled with this month's rally. My initial goal was to create a chewy but not too fudgy dairy free brownie with macadamia nuts, coconut flakes, and orange zest. I tried and tried and ended up throwing out batch after batch. Perhaps my expectations were set too high with all the delicious boxed gluten free brownie mixes out there like King Arthur. So eventually I threw in the towel and went about recreating a family favorite recipe; Chocolate Brownie Pie. I would describe it as somewhere in between a brownie and a chocolate cake, but not at all like a cakey brownie - does that make sense? Anyway, I had much more success with chocolate brownie pie and the dairy free version actually tasted even better!

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Gluten Free Sandwich Bread

Last year I had the wonderful opportunity to take a class on gluten free baking taught by Gluten Free Girl & The Chef at The Pantry at Delancy. The two most valuable take aways I had from that class were first, don't be afraid to experiment and second, gluten free doughs will look completely different from gluten-full dough. From here I was off, experimenting with bread with much more confidence and determination. I tried to take some cue's from the best gluten free bread I had even eaten, the honey oat bread from Jenny Mae's, incorporating oat flour and lots of eggs.

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Meyer Lemon Curd Scones

Gluten Free Meyer Lemon Curd Scones

I embarked on my gluten free scone adventures last year and ended up with Scookies, which are wonderful for certain purposes like using them as a sandwich for yummy preserves or jam.  My real goal though was to get to a point where I could replicate my all time favorite scone, the Peets Coffee & Tea Lemon Curd Scone. Armed with a brand new scone pan (thanks mom!) and more baking experience, I finally hit it out of the park with this recipe. My hubby ranked it up there with Picadillo, which I'm pretty sure he would eat every day if I made it. The crumb of this scone was perfect and the meyer lemon flavor was so fantastic I felt it was unnesseary to top with more lemon curd.
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